“A Document of Labour” (2019)

Garment, Performance, Installation


  • Gather paper, writing utensils, small transparent bags, and tape

  • Give yourself a task

  • Before starting said task: track the date, time, and place onto paper  

  • Begin 

  • Once said task is finished, track ending time onto the same paper 

  • Collect all physical evidence from task into small transparent bag(s)

  • Take recorded data from paper and transfer it onto a piece of tape

  • Label bag and observe


Dimensions: 68 Inches (5’ ft 8’’) x 49 Inches (4’ ft 1’’)

Fabric/Material: Upholstery linen

Pockets: 32 pockets in grid on each side, 64 in total 

Pocket dimensions (garment): 5 x 5 inches

Bag dimensions: 5 x 4 inches

128 hand sewn bulldog clips within interior of garment to hold bags


- Garment with evidence bags 

- Pulley system suspending garment

- Evidence bags in chronological order on wall

Evidence bags in chronological order

Date, time, task, place 

September 16th 3:08 pm - 7:52pm, Earring apparatus, ceramic studio

September 18th 4:10pm - September 19th 8:00am, Earring apparatus, ceramic studio

September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (1/4),  slip casting, ceramic studio

September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (2/4),  slip casting, ceramic studio

September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (3/4),  slip casting, ceramic studio

September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (4/4),  slip casting, ceramic studio

September 25th 6:00 pm - September 26th 2:58 am, slip casting, ceramic studio

October 1st 9:57 am - 6:10 pm (1/2), surface deco, ceramic studio

October 1st 9:57 am - 6:10 pm (2/2), surface deco, ceramic studio

October 10th 1:00 - 5:02 - work period, academy studio

October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (⅙), slip casting, ceramic studio

October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (2/6), slip casting, ceramic studio

October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (3/6), slip casting, ceramic studio

October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (4/6), slip casting, ceramic studio

October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (5/6), slip casting, ceramic studio

October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (6/6), slip casting, ceramic studio

October 15th 8:23pm - 9:01, haircut by Lenny in studio

October 16th 5:27 pm - 6:50 pm, frottage with flower nets, academy studio 

October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (1/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio 

October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (2/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio 

October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (3/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio 

October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (4/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio 

October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (5/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio 

October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (6/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio

October 23rd 6:30 pm - 7:52, cleaning shared studio space, ceramics 

October 24th 1:00 pm - 1:46 pm (½) , advice for garment, Leesa’s office

October 24th 1:00 pm - 1:46 pm (2/2) , advice for garment, Leesa’s office

October 26th 6:30 pm - 2:52 am, trimming work on wheel, ceramic studio 

October 29th 5:19 pm - October 30th 1:50 am, trimming work on wheel, ceramic studio

November 1st 12:36 pm - 7:50 pm (⅓) trimming work on wheel, ceramics studio 

November 1st 12:36 pm - 7:50 pm (2/3) trimming work on wheel, ceramics studio 

November 1st 12:36 pm - 7:50 pm (3/3) trimming work on wheel, ceramics studio 

November 3rd 8:20 pm -November 4th 2:46 am, cleaning space after unsuccessful night, ceramics studio 

November 6th 6:10 pm - 11:15 pm (⅓) slip casting forms, ceramics studio 

November 6th 6:10 pm - 11:15 pm (2/3) slip casting forms, ceramics studio 

November 6th 6:10 pm - 11:15 pm (3/3) slip casting forms, ceramics studio 

November 7th 1:00 pm - 5:12 pm, class/mapping time, academy studio 

November 10th 9:12 am - 4:10 pm (½) trimming work, ceramics studio 

November 10th 9:12 am - 4:10 pm (2/2) trimming work, ceramics studio 

November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (⅙) Reading week, ceramics studio 

November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (2/6) Reading week, ceramics studio 

November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (3/6) Reading week, ceramics studio 

November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (4/6) Reading week, ceramics studio 

November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (5/6) Reading week, ceramics studio 

November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (6/6) Reading week, ceramics studio 

November 14th 3:28 pm - 11:50 pm (½) reading week, ceramics studio 

November 14th 3:28 pm - 11:50 pm (2/2) reading week, ceramics studio

November 15th 8:06 am - November 16th 2:14 am, end of reading week/refining work, ceramics studio 

November 18th 4:50 - 7:55 pm, mixing clay, ceramics studio 

November 20th 1:08 - 4:22 pm, mixing clay, ceramics studio 

November 21st 5:52 pm - November 22nd 12:06am, working on surface, ceramics studio 

November 29th 10:22 - November 30th 4:03 am (⅓) last wet clay day, ceramics studio 

November 29th 10:22 - November 30th 4:03 am (2/3) last wet clay day, ceramics studio 

November 29th 10:22 - November 30th 4:03 am (3/3) last wet clay day, ceramics studio 

December 1st 12:30am - 4:11 pm, last last wet clay day ceramics studio

December 4th 7:02pm - 9:24pm, Ann hamilton research zine, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (1/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (2/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (3/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (4/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (5/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (6/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (7/8) constructing garment, academy studio 

December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (8/8) constructing garment, academy studio


Performance assistance: Brody Weaver and Sof Kreidstein (pulleys)

Documentation: Brit Fox (photographs) and Craig Leonard (video)

Set up assistance: Jan Peacock (recorder and speakers)

  • Studio archive

  • object/evidence/waste/collection

  • Continuous process: day-to-day, 

  • Labour in physical form

  • Waste/dust/reminisce/evidence 

  • Garment silhouette echoes restricted position

  • Wearable documentation

  • Production of labour

  • Extension of the body

  • Embodying time and labour in the form of weight

  • Collection of remains 


sculptural, androgynous, institutionalization, housing the evidence/waste, artifact of preservation, material focus/material nudity, restrictive through space and time, mobile based archive, wearable documentation, treatment of garment similar to the treatment of clay 


Chosen Family Bandanas
