“A Document of Labour” (2019)
Garment, Performance, Installation
Gather paper, writing utensils, small transparent bags, and tape
Give yourself a task
Before starting said task: track the date, time, and place onto paper
Once said task is finished, track ending time onto the same paper
Collect all physical evidence from task into small transparent bag(s)
Take recorded data from paper and transfer it onto a piece of tape
Label bag and observe
Dimensions: 68 Inches (5’ ft 8’’) x 49 Inches (4’ ft 1’’)
Fabric/Material: Upholstery linen
Pockets: 32 pockets in grid on each side, 64 in total
Pocket dimensions (garment): 5 x 5 inches
Bag dimensions: 5 x 4 inches
128 hand sewn bulldog clips within interior of garment to hold bags
- Garment with evidence bags
- Pulley system suspending garment
- Evidence bags in chronological order on wall
Evidence bags in chronological order
Date, time, task, place
September 16th 3:08 pm - 7:52pm, Earring apparatus, ceramic studio
September 18th 4:10pm - September 19th 8:00am, Earring apparatus, ceramic studio
September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (1/4), slip casting, ceramic studio
September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (2/4), slip casting, ceramic studio
September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (3/4), slip casting, ceramic studio
September 20th 9:30 pm - September 21st 6:42 am (4/4), slip casting, ceramic studio
September 25th 6:00 pm - September 26th 2:58 am, slip casting, ceramic studio
October 1st 9:57 am - 6:10 pm (1/2), surface deco, ceramic studio
October 1st 9:57 am - 6:10 pm (2/2), surface deco, ceramic studio
October 10th 1:00 - 5:02 - work period, academy studio
October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (⅙), slip casting, ceramic studio
October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (2/6), slip casting, ceramic studio
October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (3/6), slip casting, ceramic studio
October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (4/6), slip casting, ceramic studio
October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (5/6), slip casting, ceramic studio
October 14th 2:00 pm - October 15th 5:46 am (6/6), slip casting, ceramic studio
October 15th 8:23pm - 9:01, haircut by Lenny in studio
October 16th 5:27 pm - 6:50 pm, frottage with flower nets, academy studio
October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (1/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio
October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (2/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio
October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (3/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio
October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (4/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio
October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (5/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio
October 18th 5:30 pm - 8:42 pm (6/6), cleaning shared studio space, ceramic studio
October 23rd 6:30 pm - 7:52, cleaning shared studio space, ceramics
October 24th 1:00 pm - 1:46 pm (½) , advice for garment, Leesa’s office
October 24th 1:00 pm - 1:46 pm (2/2) , advice for garment, Leesa’s office
October 26th 6:30 pm - 2:52 am, trimming work on wheel, ceramic studio
October 29th 5:19 pm - October 30th 1:50 am, trimming work on wheel, ceramic studio
November 1st 12:36 pm - 7:50 pm (⅓) trimming work on wheel, ceramics studio
November 1st 12:36 pm - 7:50 pm (2/3) trimming work on wheel, ceramics studio
November 1st 12:36 pm - 7:50 pm (3/3) trimming work on wheel, ceramics studio
November 3rd 8:20 pm -November 4th 2:46 am, cleaning space after unsuccessful night, ceramics studio
November 6th 6:10 pm - 11:15 pm (⅓) slip casting forms, ceramics studio
November 6th 6:10 pm - 11:15 pm (2/3) slip casting forms, ceramics studio
November 6th 6:10 pm - 11:15 pm (3/3) slip casting forms, ceramics studio
November 7th 1:00 pm - 5:12 pm, class/mapping time, academy studio
November 10th 9:12 am - 4:10 pm (½) trimming work, ceramics studio
November 10th 9:12 am - 4:10 pm (2/2) trimming work, ceramics studio
November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (⅙) Reading week, ceramics studio
November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (2/6) Reading week, ceramics studio
November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (3/6) Reading week, ceramics studio
November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (4/6) Reading week, ceramics studio
November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (5/6) Reading week, ceramics studio
November 12th 2:20 - November 13th 10:16 pm (6/6) Reading week, ceramics studio
November 14th 3:28 pm - 11:50 pm (½) reading week, ceramics studio
November 14th 3:28 pm - 11:50 pm (2/2) reading week, ceramics studio
November 15th 8:06 am - November 16th 2:14 am, end of reading week/refining work, ceramics studio
November 18th 4:50 - 7:55 pm, mixing clay, ceramics studio
November 20th 1:08 - 4:22 pm, mixing clay, ceramics studio
November 21st 5:52 pm - November 22nd 12:06am, working on surface, ceramics studio
November 29th 10:22 - November 30th 4:03 am (⅓) last wet clay day, ceramics studio
November 29th 10:22 - November 30th 4:03 am (2/3) last wet clay day, ceramics studio
November 29th 10:22 - November 30th 4:03 am (3/3) last wet clay day, ceramics studio
December 1st 12:30am - 4:11 pm, last last wet clay day ceramics studio
December 4th 7:02pm - 9:24pm, Ann hamilton research zine, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (1/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (2/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (3/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (4/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (5/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (6/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (7/8) constructing garment, academy studio
December 5th 7:08 - December 6th 5:22am (8/8) constructing garment, academy studio
Performance assistance: Brody Weaver and Sof Kreidstein (pulleys)
Documentation: Brit Fox (photographs) and Craig Leonard (video)
Set up assistance: Jan Peacock (recorder and speakers)
Studio archive
Continuous process: day-to-day,
Labour in physical form
Garment silhouette echoes restricted position
Wearable documentation
Production of labour
Extension of the body
Embodying time and labour in the form of weight
Collection of remains
sculptural, androgynous, institutionalization, housing the evidence/waste, artifact of preservation, material focus/material nudity, restrictive through space and time, mobile based archive, wearable documentation, treatment of garment similar to the treatment of clay